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Drocella MugoreWeraProfile Photo

Drocella MugoreWera

The Diversity Trust Builder, #1 International best-selling published author for Leaders With A Heart,

A testament to enduring courage and resilience, The Diversity Trust Builder, Drocella MugoreWera, is #1 International bestselling author, award winning speaker and Founder of the Diversity in Action movement, a global movement that coaches decision makers who are committed to championing Diversity in Action.
Raised on a farm in Rwanda, Africa, Drocella won a scholarship to study at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences in Kyiv, Ukraine. Already a leader at heart, she returned to Rwanda to work as the country’s Director of Agriculture and went on to hold several high-level government positions, making significant environmental changes, including a land reform system that gave women the right for the first time to inherit land. Becoming a member of Parliament brought new opportunities to promote the causes closest to her heart: human rights, environmental protection, and gender equality, and in time, Drocella started her own business consulting with both non-profits and corporations.
Sadly, this dynamic changemaker’s reputation for forthright, committed leadership eventually posed a threat to her personal safety, forcing her to leave the country without her family or financial resources. Battling the inevitable fear and loneliness, she ultimately resettled in Knoxville, Tennessee, where, relying on her determination and fighting spirit, she resolutely adapted to the unfamiliar surroundings, learning new skills and forging lasting relationships.
The ability to help people like herself recover from displacement trauma and rebuild their lives was a key factor in Drocella accepting her subsequent role as executive director of Bridge Refugee Services. Her dedication garnered her numerous accolades and widespread acclaim, including being recognized as one of Knoxville’s Difference Makers and achieving a finalist’s spot in the YWCA Tribute to Women. Drocella volunteers for different organizations including the Refugee Congress, East Tennessee Foundation and Knoxville Association of Women Executives.
As an international speaker and business coach, Drocella enhances virtual and live events with her personal story of perseverance and bravely optimizing adversity. A formidable role model for the refugees and immigrants she empowers, Drocella herself is representative of the incredible contributions these newcomers bring to our communities.
Now reunited with her beloved family, Drocella continues to thrive, a firm believer that mindset and attitude can create miracles in this joyous, abundant world we’ve been gifted
The only thing keeping you from living that ideal life you’ve imagined is you!

Dec. 5, 2022

On Mississippi Legal Victory and Refugee Advocacy Featuring Joshua To…

In this episode, Joshua Tom, Legal Director of the ACLU of Mississippi, discusses the recent legal victory in Mississippi to keep the State Legislature from funding private schools. Then, Drocella MugoreWera, The Diversity Tr...

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